. What stuck out for me was the line "We also learnt that the dragon was capturing while the tiger was hitting". This was an "ah-ha!" moment for me as I was pondering the duality of the dragon and tiger so common in martial arts and as the foundational part to the name of our own dojo Ryuu (dragon) Ko (tiger). In case you are wondering, the last part of our dojo name, Hikan, means secret scroll...
Arnaud Shihan cites Soke as saying the two opposites, dragon and tiger, aren't really in opposition, but in connection or in union with each other. It's the in/yo or yin/yang, the heaven and earth, etc relationship. But, tying it to the comment of dragon being about capturing/controlli
Anyway, take the time to consider the wisdom being presented in Arnaud's writing and how it relates to the "feel" of what Soke's budo is. If you look carefully enough, you'll see this duality between dragon and tiger. Then, find how you can learn from that and evolve your own training.
Gambatte kudasai!
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