Thursday, July 12, 2007


Hello friends! Yes, yes, I know it's been quite a while. Over a month, as a matter of fact. Well, the month of June has been quite amazing and challenging. So much has happened that I don't even know where or how to start.

But, most recent and important for you to know is that I am recovering from having my appendix explode inside my gut and leave a nice hole in my intestine. This caused infection to spread inside my abdomen. But don't worry. I had surgery to remove the appendix and repair the damage. Now I am home healing after a week in the hospital and hope to return to life again soon.

Recovery has been long and not as quick as I would like. My mental energy hasn't been high enough to get on this blog to even pluck out a chronicle of the many things which have transpired over the month of June, which include an amazing trip to Japan, passing the godan test, changing jobs and returning to my old occupational field and just all sorts of fun things.

When I feel a bit better, I will get out my field notes from my Japan trip and post them here. In the meantime, know that I am healing well and will be back to training and blogging soon.

Peace to all,


DewDrop said...

Hi Darren!

I am so sorry I could not come on your blog and read it earlier! I have been busy like a slave. Are you all right now??? Appendicitis is not a game, you were very, VERY lucky, thank God!
Do not care about anything, just heal up first, and when you feel very very bored, just then go on with the blog :)

I am sending you my best wishes for your recovery. I hope you are feeling better now.
Take good care of yourself!


DewDrop said...

Hi Darren,

How are you? You are so silent nowadays... no new entries...
Is everything all right with you? How is your health?
